Tricalm was a new anti-itch cream that was a new-to-the-world formula. We designed the packaging to be clean and cool to fight against a cluttered category on shelf. Did national television and created out-of-home that was placed near Walgreens. The result was gaining 4% market share in 6 months. Not to mention taking home a Clio and helping win LSB win Agency of the Year.
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.
Koch Foods (pronounced "Cook") is a maker of premium chicken products to restaurants. If you've had a chicken nugget, it's probably from Koch. They wanted to energize the brand by moving to the consumer world. We redesigned their packaging, retooled the website and after some deep consumer research came up with an organizing idea called "Momming" which recognizes the modern world of parenting. In a world where moms and dads are guilted with organic messages and told how many ways they're doing it wrong, we wanted to remind them that sometimes getting chicken strips on the table is great parenting.
Momming is "Realizing this is your circus these are you monkeys." Momming is "Signing up for a sport, then hoping the game gets cancelled." Momming is "20% loving your kids and 80% loving for their shoes." Basically, Momming is being okay with the doing your best.
We even got "tastier" in there for the client.