Tricalm was a new anti-itch cream that was a new-to-the-world formula. We designed the packaging to be clean and cool to fight against a cluttered category on shelf. Did national television and created out-of-home that was placed near Walgreens. The result was gaining 4% market share in 6 months. Not to mention taking home a Clio and helping win LSB win Agency of the Year.
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.
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While I'm an art director by trade, lately I've been pressed into service to write and direct brand videos and manifestos. Here are a few:
BOB Gear is a stroller company who hired us to completely rebrand the as an outdoor adventure company. We leveraged their heritage with kids but expanded it to a more adventurous place.
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Homedics makes massagers and sleep machines. Their original branding was around a "spa in your home," but after some primary research we discovered people actually used the products simply to get ready for tomorrow. The archetype changed from the Caregiver to the Hero and the rebranding created a much more resonate place for them to play.
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Common Ground Health Care is a classic challenger brand going up against big health insurance
companies. We called the big guys out.
The Madison Chamber of Commerce hired us to rebrand Madison. Research showed that people who are attracted to the city are younger people who are seeking a more interesting experience.
We did a series of three videos to help Remington explore strategic direction and taglines. We've found the often using video content to explore the organizing idea space rather than simply raw taglines.
The first one is called Limitless You.
The second one is called Own the Day.
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This one is called Get Ready.